Modulation Section
Though it isn't necessarily apparent from their front panel controls, most algorithmic digital reverb units incorporate a fair amount of modulation of the multiple delay networks under the hood, resulting in a mild to thick chorusing of the reverb signal. Galactic's Modulation section allows easy manipulation of the amount of chorus-like warble.
Rate- Sets the speed of reverb pitch modulation.
Depth- Sets the overall amount of modulation.
Damp Section
Amount- Reduces the overall high-frequency content of the reverb signal, emulating the sound of darker rooms. Damping has no effect on the dry signal.
Time Section
Predelay- Sets the amount of time prior to the onset of the reverb signal, up to 500ms. Useful for "separating" the reverberated sound from the dry signal.
Decay Time- Sets the overall length of the reverb, up to a 35 seconds (!).
Ducking Section
Ducking refers to a dynamic effect where the wet signal level is reduced by a set amount when an incoming audio signal is received, and returns the wet signal to nominal level when no audio is being received. It has roots in broadcast radio applications where an underlying music bed automatically gets quieter when the DJ is speaking, then the music level rises when the DJ stops talking.
On the music production side, the classic TC Electronics 2290 rack delay featured a ducking feature that operated in a similar fashion, but in this case, the idea was that echoes could stay at a lower level while a singer was singing, then rise for more dramatic repeat effects when the singer stopped singing.
Galactic's ducking implementation operates in a similar fashion - it's useful for automatically reducing reverb levels while a singer or an instrument is playing, but it's perhaps the most useful for dramatically alternating between super dry and huge reverb sounds.
Attenuation- Sets the amount the wet signal is reduced by when incoming audio is detected. A setting of 0 equals no reduction; a setting of 100% equals no reverb signal at all. The inverted meter at the right displays the current reduction amount of the wet signal.
Recovery Time- Think of Recovery Time as the "attack" time of the wet signal when incoming audio stops. At lower settings, the onset of the wet signal is rapid; at higher settings, the reverb signal slowly fades in. The easiest way to hear the effect of different recovery times to play (or sequence) a sound with a simple on/off, organ-type envelope (instant attack, full sustain, instant release),
Equalizer Section
Bass- Boosts or cuts low frequencies up to 15dB in the reverb signal. The dry signal is not effected.
Treble- Boosts or cuts high frequencies up to 15dB in the reverb signal. The dry signal is not effected.
Output Controls
Output Level meters- You know the drill here - set the level so the signal stays mostly in the green. You're welcome to push signals into the red; it won't void your warranty, but it probably won't sound too great.
Mix- Adjusts the balance of wet and dry signal. Set to 100% wet if you're using Galactic on an effects bus.
Output- Sets the overall output level.