Sines is a totally unique polyphonic synthesizer experience that isn't based on an existing vintage instrument. A quick glance at its controls indicates that its synthesis architecture is unlike most instruments you’ll encounter. Its voicing has more in common with “West Coast”-style Buchla and Serge modular synthesizers of the 70s. Generally speaking, these eschew the subtractive concept seen in typical analog synthesizers (i.e. simple analog waveforms are mixed and timbrally modified using a filter). Instead, the oscillators are mostly used in an additive fashion where complex tones are formed by modifying basic sine waves via various waveshaping methods to create highly complex waves. FM synthesis is also used to create complex tones, in the same manner as the legendary Yamaha DX synths of the 80s (don’t worry, we made it easy to use!). Though Sines includes a powerful multimode filter, its super-deep and highly modulatable oscillators allow a vast array of complex analog and digital-style tones. And as its name implies, all of these incredible tones originate from basic sine waves! 

Sines may appear daunting at first glance, but if you’re familiar with Cherry Audio’s other instruments, you’ll know that we’re not fans of concealing sound parameter controls in tabs or hidden menus - we believe in instantaneous hands-on access to all sound parameters, and Sines is no exception. As a result, Sines has a lot of controls due to its “four of everything” LFO, oscillator, and envelope generator implementation.

We’re aware that a number of the oscillator controls may be unfamiliar to users. We’ll explain the under-the-hood functionality of all these controls, but the good news is that it isn’t necessarily important to understand exactly what they do - when creating sounds, the Feedback, Phase, Width, Shape, Wavefold, and Drive waveshaping controls can very much be used in a creative and exploratory fashion. With this in mind, each oscillator includes a mini oscilloscope for instant visual feedback of the effects of all oscillator controls. 

There are a few different ways to approach programming sounds with Sines, which are relatively easy to understand. In this guide, not only will we explain all of Sines’ parameters, we'll also explain a few different programming methodologies. We hope you enjoy this crazy, singularly individualistic synthesizer as much as we do! 

Pre-Purchase Demo Mode

If you haven't purchased the full version of Sines, it will run in demo mode. All functions will work, but inharmonic tones will occasionally sound (the LED next to Demo in the top toolbar will illuminate when the ugly tones are sounding). We've also added a handy button to make purchasing easy, so you've got no excuse! As you might expect, all this demo nonsense disappears once Sines is purchased.

Technical Assistance

Cherry Audio's online store and automatic updating should make operation a smooth experience, but if you run into any issues or have questions, you can discuss issues online at the Cherry Audio forums at:

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