We've included a thick and warm flange/chorus effect. Flanging and Chorus are closely related - the general difference being that flangers use a shorter time range and some amount of feedback (this intensifies the "jet-flyby" whoosh), whereas choruses utilize a slightly longer delay time, and no feedback.
On- Click to enable Chorus/Flanger.
Flange- Flanger mode is enabled.
Chorus- Chorus mode is enabled. Note that the Delay and Resonance knobs and panel text are disabled and dimmed when in Chorus mode. (Chorusing functions best at a fixed delay time, and generally does not use any feedback, i.e. resonance.)
Rate- Sets the Chorus/Flanger's internal LFO speed from 0.01 to 8 Hz. The LED flashes at the current internal LFO speed.
Depth- Sets effect depth, i.e. the amount of modulation.
Delay- Sets the amount of delay time when in flange mode, from 1-13ms. This is disabled in chorus mode.
Res- Sets the amount of internal feedback when in Flange mode. Higher values result in a more intense flange sound.
FX Modulator- Sets the amount of sweep mod from the FX Modulator section in the top left corner. To disable the Flange/Chorus's dedicated LFO, set the Depth control to zero. This lets you use the FX Modulator only for mod.
Mix- Sets the ratio of clean to effected sound. Flanging and chorusing is usually optimal at a 50/50 setting, but we've added the Mix control by popular demand to allow more subtle (or warble-riffic) tones.