These are parameters that affect both the Upper and Lower voice layers. They're a bit scattered around the panel (just like the original!), so bear with us.
Voice Assignment indicator LEDs- These display which and how many Upper and Lower voices are being triggered under the hood in real-time. They also make a fun visual effect when when the arpeggiator is used.
Balance- This acts as a fader between the Upper and Lower layer. On the original instrument, it was intended as something of performance control to quickly alter layer balance. The silver knob, indicated a non-stored parameter on the original, but remember that all silver knob parameters store with patches on Cherry P-10. It's still pretty handy when assigned to hardware control from a USB/MIDI controller knob/fader/rheostat/MIDI boat tiller/etc.
Utility- The Utility button allow P-10 layers to be moved back and forth, independently initialized, and more. They also let you import layers from other P-10 patches.
Note that a number of utility menu options don't apply in Single mode, because there aren't multiple layers; in this case, inactive menus will be disabled.
If you accidentally mess anything up with the utility commands, you can always undo with [ALT-Z] (Windows) or [⌘Z] (Mac), or by clicking the counterclockwise undo arrow in the top menu strip.
Swap Upper and Lower Layers- Reverses the locations of the upper and lower layer.
Copy Layers- Duplicates one layer to the other.
Reset Layer- Initializes all settings of the selected layer only.
Copy Effects- Duplicates the settings of all effects from one layer to the other; this is only relevant if FX Mode is set to Dual Layer on the Effects/Arpeggio page. If FX Mode is currently set to Global, the Copy Effects menu options will be grayed out.
Import/Export- The Import/Export command allows layers to be moved between sound presets. Data from the source preset isn't affected.
The process is simple - select the appropriate Copy <Upper or Lower> Layer to Memory sub-menu to copy the data into P-10's memory, then choose the destination preset, click the Utility button and select the appropriate Paste to <Upper or Lower> Layer submenu.
Master Tune- Sets the overall tuning for the entire instrument up or down one semitone. Use this to accommodate the goon in your band that insists on using that horrific Magnus air-blower organ.
Drift- Applies a random amount of independent tuning drift to the synth oscillators and filter frequencies for a more authentic analog character. We recommend always leaving it turned up a bit - Prophets certainly could be a little loose in the tuning department.
A-440- A tuning reference that generates a perfectly in-tune A note at 440 Hz. This was far more useful in the original instrument as its oscillators had a tendency to drift all over the place. Since P-10 is a modern computer-based instrument, tuning drift isn't an issue, but we included the A-440 switch for authenticity. WEHHHHHHHHH.
Master Volume and LED output meter- Controls the overall instrument volume. Try to keep the meters out of the red or you may experience ugly digital clipping.
Limit- This is a switch that applies a transparent limiting effect to help prevent overloading and clipping.