An arpeggiator is basically a step sequencer that plays each note of a chord individually in an ascending or descending pattern across one or more octaves.
Sync- Engaging the Sync button locks arpeggio timing to master tempo. When engaged, the Rate knob snaps to note values ranging from 1/64th note triplet to 8 beats. Sync mode locks to the tempo in the top toolbar when using the Sines standalone version or the current project tempo when the plug-in version is used in a DAW.
Frequency (Freq)- Sets the playback speed of arpeggiator sequences, from 0.25 to 30 Hz (with Sync disabled).
Range 1/2/3- Selects how many octaves the pattern will play before repeating. Only one button can be pressed at any time.
Off/Pattern buttons- These buttons enable the arpeggiator and select the order in which the notes of chords are played.
Off- Disables the arpeggiator.
Down- Notes play in order from highest to lower.
Up- Notes play in order from lowest to highest.
Up/Dwn- Notes play in order from bottom to top, then back down again. Not to be confused with Diana Ross' 1980 hit, "Upside Down," where the same thing just repeats, over and over and over.
Rnd (Random)- Notes are played in a random order.
Using Arpeggio in Double and Split Layer Modes
If Pro Soloist is set to Double or Split Layer Mode, you'll essentially have two completely independent arpeggios - as usual, all illumination will be green when using the Lower layer. If you'd like both layers to behave the same, simply set the control values the same.