The Misfit Audio Transistor 808 Snare module is a synthesized recreation of the legendary 808 snare sound featuring pitch, tone, decay, and noise color controls.

Inputs, Outputs, and Controls

Trigger In jack- A 5V trigger received at this jack will trigger the snare at its "normal," unaccented level. The LED lights when the jack is triggered. 

Accent In jack- A 5V trigger received at this jack triggers the snare at its accented level set by the Accent Level knob. The LED lights when the jack is triggered. 

Pitch- Adjusts the pitch of the the snare’s body, or tone.   

Accent Level- Sets the volume of the accented snare from 100%, meaning it will be the same volume as an unaccented trigger, to 400% meaning it will be four times louder than unaccented triggers. 

Tone- Two oscillators, set at different frequencies, are used to synthesize the body of the snare sound. This knob adjusts the mix between the lower and higher oscillator as the knob is moved from left to right respectively.

Decay- Adjusts the length of the snare. 

Noise Color- Adjusts the timbre of the noise oscillator.  

Noise/Tone Mix- Adjusts the mix between the noise and tone oscillators to balance how much “crack” and body the snare sound has respectively.  

Out jack- Outputs the snare sound.