The Voice Assign section sets the number of simultaneously playable notes, as well as unison mode and glide behavior.

Glide- The Glide knob causes notes to slide smoothly from one pitch to the next. Higher settings result in a slower change of pitch.

Number of Voices- Sets the maximum number of notes that can be played polyphonically, from 2-16 voices per layer. These are last-note priority - when the max number of notes is reached, the oldest note will be stolen. With any modern computer, you should be able to leave this at 16, but we've provided lower settings to save processor cycles in case you're still holding on to that Pentium II machine (and hop on them forums to let everyone what jerks those guys at Cherry Audio are for not supporting your 15-year-old box of e-waste).

Unison- Unison stacks multiple voices according to the current Number of Voices setting. The Unison switch is used in conjunction with the Unison Detune knob which spreads out the tuning of the oscillators for fat sounds. The keyboard will only play monophonically (i.e., one note at a time) when the Unison switch is engaged.