The Modulator section is a low-frequency oscillator that generates sub-audio range signals intended for modulation purposes. We've expanded on the original instrument in a couple of useful ways, including multiple modulation waveforms and tempo sync.

Speed- The Speed knob sets the Modulator speed, from 0.01 to 20 Hz (with Sync switch off) or from 8 beats up to 1/64th note triplets (Sync switch on). The LED above the Speed slider flashes at the current modulation rate.

Waveform- Selects the repeating pattern of the Modulator. Available waveforms are ramp, sawtooth, triangle, square, noise, and random (aka, sample & hold).

Sync- When the Sync switch is enabled, Modulator speed will lock to host tempo when using Atomika within DAW software, or to the current tempo in the top menu bar when using the standalone version.

Mod Wheel- This is a really handy, but potentially confusing feature, so don’t skim this section. If the switch is in the Off position, the Modulator is always “on.” Its effects will be immediately audible by moving the Modulator knobs in the Oscillator, Filter, and Amp sections. Clicking to the On position enables control of Modulator depth with an external keyboard controller mod wheel. If the mod wheel is all the way off, Modulator depth is zero. This makes setting up a mod wheel to add vibrato or wah effects simple. If it seems like the Modulator isn't working, check if the Mod Wheel switch is on.

Key Reset- Enabling Key Reset restarts the Modulator cycle monophonically if no notes are currently on and a new note is struck. If additional keys are played, the Modulator won't restart until all keys are released. This may seem counterintuitive, but it makes sense - imagine a polyphonic patch with square wave modulation applied to Amp amplitude (Amp section Modulation knob up). If you played a chord, with each note struck at a (slightly) different time, the Modulator would restart every time a note was played, which could result in a rhythmic mess.