The original KR-55A and KR-55B were strictly preset units - there was no facility for users to create their own patterns. KR-55C allows full user programmability of patterns up to 32 steps in length, and also includes an easy-to-use song mode for arranging these patterns. With that in mind, KR-55 can be used either inside a DAW or in standalone mode as a totally independent rhythm machine.

In this chapter we'll go over all Programmer section controls. We'll further explore pattern and song programming in the chapters that follow.

Pattern Mode - Preset/User

When Pattern Mode (top right) is set to Preset, the Programmer section is hidden and the factory preset rhythm pattern buttons are displayed, like this:

In this mode, only the factory preset rhythms can be played. To program your own custom beats, click the User button in the Pattern Mode section. The Programmer section is revealed, and the factory preset rhythm pattern buttons become step number buttons, like this:

Now that we're in User mode and the Programmer section is visible, let's go over its controls:

Pattern/Song- Setting this to Pattern allows creation and editing of a single rhythm pattern. When set to Song mode, the Programmer section is used to create a chain of patterns.

  • Number of Steps /Song Step Number-

    Patt position- When the switch is set to Patt, the LED display shows the number of steps in the current pattern - i.e. the length of the pattern before it cycles to the top. The length can be altered by clicking the up/down buttons, from 1 to 32 steps (with division switch set to 4 mode) or from 1 to 24 (with division switch set to 3 mode). To see how length affects the the pattern, click the Start/Stop button, and watch the LEDs on the large colored pattern step buttons.

    Song position- When set to Song, the Programmer allows up to 99 patterns to be chained together to create songs. Song mode is super easy to use - simply select a song step, then choose the user pattern you'd like to play on that step with the up/down buttons in the Pattern Select section below.

  • Pattern Select

    Patt position- Each patch in the KR-55C's patch browser (in the purple strip at the top) stores 99 patterns - it's sort of like having an entire drum machine for each and every patch! When the Patt/Song switch is in Pattern mode, the Pattern Select up/down buttons choose which pattern can be played or edited. If the selected pattern is changed while playing, KR-55C waits until the current cycle finishes (the LED display will flash), then plays the newly selected pattern.

    Song position- Selects which pattern will be on each Song Step Number above.

Drag-Export- Clicking and dragging the Drag-Export button array to a DAW MIDI track allows the MIDI data of the current user pattern to be exported either to the desktop as a Standard MIDI file (when using in standalone mode or within a DAW) or to a DAW MIDI track (when using within DAW).

Instrument Select- Click and drag the Inst Select knob to choose the current instrument you'd like to program steps for with the colored pattern step buttons. This also affects which instrument gets triggered by the Inst Trigger (next to Start/Stop).

Copy- This allows duplication of entire patterns or single instruments from one Pattern Select number location to another. It's useful if you're assembling a song and want to create multiple variations of patterns.

  • Copy Current User Pattern- Copies all instruments of the current user pattern into KR-55C's memory buffer.

  • Copy Current Instrument Pattern- Copies the steps of the instrument currently selected with the the Instruments Selector knob. This one is especially nifty because it lets you copy the steps of any instrument to any other instrument (using the Paste button Paste Instrument command) in any pattern. It's really useful for "doubling up" instruments.

  • Duplicate Steps 1-16 to 17-32- Copies the first "page" of steps to the second "page of steps." Handy if you have you'd like to double up (and vary) the pattern you've created within the first 16 steps.

  • Duplicate Steps 17-32 to 1-16 - Reverse of above.

    If the 3 / 4 division switch is set to 3, the the Duplicate Steps <xx-xx> menus change to 1- 12 and 13-24 to accommodate the step button grouping.

  • Copy Preset Pattern- Copies all instruments of the selected factory pattern into KR-55C's memory buffer. This is useful if you'd like to modify elements of a factory pattern, or use one of them in Song mode.

  • Copy Preset Fill- Copies all instruments of the selected factory fill into KR-55C's memory buffer. This is useful if you'd like to modify elements of a factory pattern, or use one of them in Song mode.

Paste- Allows pasting entire patterns or parts of patterns. Note that pasting a pattern or single instrument will overwrite the existing pattern or instrument.

  • Paste Pattern- Pastes all instruments of the current pattern into the current pattern location.

  • Paste Instrument- This pastes a single instrument into the current pattern location. Use the Instruments Selector knob to choose which instrument will be pasted. Multiple instruments can be pasted by selecting them consecutively with the Instruments Selector knob and repeatedly pasting.

Erase- This initializes either the entire pattern or individual instruments.

  • Erase Current Instrument- Disables all steps of the instrument currently selected with Instruments Selector knob.

  • Erase Current Pattern- Disables all steps for all instruments of the currently selected pattern.

  • Erase All Patterns- Disables all steps of all patterns in the current patch (i.e. the patch selected in the top purple menu strip). Prior to this operation, KR-55C will display an "Are You Sure?" dialog to avert potential calamity.