The MG-1 Plus includes a low-frequency oscillator (LFO) that generates sub-audio range signals intended for modulation purposes.
Wave Shape- Selects the repeating pattern of the LFO. Available waveforms are triangle, square, and random. Only one waveform is available at any time.
Mod Wheel switch and LED- This is a really handy, but potentially confusing feature, so don’t skim this section. If the switch is in the off position (left), the LFO is always “on.” Its effects will be immediately audible by moving the Tone Sources, Poly, and Filter modulation amount sliders. Clicking to the on position (right, LED lit) enables control of modulation depth with an external keyboard controller mod wheel. If the mod wheel is all the way down, modulation depth is zero. This makes setting up a mod wheel to add vibrato or wah effects very easy. If it seems like the LFO isn't working, check if the Mod Wheel switch is engaged.
Auto Contour Trigger- When set to the In position, the Counter Generator repeatedly triggers at the current Modulation rate. This is particularly useful when used in a DAW and combined with the Ext Sync switch (more on this below).
Rate and Ext Sync- When the Ext Sync switch is off, the Rate slider sets the modulation rate from 0.3 to 31 Hz.
Engaging the Ext Sync switch locks the modulation master tempo. When engaged, the Rate slider snaps to note values ranging from 8 beats up to 1/64th note triplets. Ext Sync mode locks to the tempo in the top toolbar when using the DCO-106 standalone version, or to the current project tempo when the plug-in version is used in a DAW.
Tone Sources, Poly, and Filter modulation amount sliders- These independently set the amount of modulation routed to the Tone Sources, Poly, and Filter sections respectively. Setting moderate but different amounts of modulation to the Tone Sources and Poly sections is particularly useful for creating naturally chorused sounds using both sections.
Keyboard Glide- Also known as "portamento," glide delays the voltage change between pitches for a sliding effect. Keyboard Glide only affects the Tone Sources - it does not affect pitches in the Poly section.