Memorymode includes three almost identical voltage-controlled oscillators, so we'll go over the controls one time and make note of differences along the way. (Feel free to read it three times, if you're into that kind of thing)
Octave- Sets the coarse pitch range for each oscillator in standard organ footage settings of 16', 8', 4', and 2'. Only one octave footage can be active at any time; selecting a footage disables the others.

The overall range of the entire instrument can also be transposed down or up an additional octave using the Octave transpose buttons at the bottom left of the control panel.
Sync 2 To 1 (oscillator 1 only)- This causes VCO 1 to force reset the start of VCO 2's waveform to the beginning of its cycle, resulting in the classic Cars “Let’s Go” tearing harmonics sound (or No Doubt’s “Just A Girl,” for children of the 90s) when the oscillator 2's pitch is swept (this can be accomplished by setting the Modulation/Voice Modulation destination to Osc 2, and turning up the Filter Contour knob).
Frequency (oscillator 2 and 3 only)- Allows fine-tuning of pitch or building intervals into multi-oscillator patches. It's also useful for fattening up multi-oscillator patches by detuning a small amount. Its range is a smidge over a fifth, up or down.
Pulse Width- Sets the width or "duty-cycle" of pulse waves, from a perfect square to a very narrow pulse. It has no effect on other waveforms.
Waveshape- Selects the oscillator raw waveform. Each oscillator includes variable pulse, ramp, and triangle waves. These can be used simultaneously in any combination.
Low (oscillator 3 only)- Sets oscillator 3 to sub-audio range. This is useful when oscillator 3 is used as a mod source via the Voice Modulation section.
Keyboard Control (oscillator 3 only)- Shutting this off disconnects the keyboard's control voltage from oscillator 3. This allows oscillator 3's frequency to remain constant when using it as a mod source - if the keyboard switch is on, its frequency will rise as higher notes are played. It also allows drones (i.e. pitch stays the same regardless of notes played on the keyboard) if oscillator 3 is being used as an audio source.