PS-3300 includes Chorus, Echo, and Reverb effects as well as master Limiter.

PS-3300's onboard limiter gently controls overall output level to prevent ugly clipping in case you're playing 24 notes at once with your elbows. It's super transparent, so you can leave it on all the time without detrimentally affecting audio.
On switch- Enables the Limiter.
Meter- The three-LED audio output meter isn't really part of the Limiter per se, but this was a good spot for it. Keep on eye on this guy, if it goes in the red, reduce the Total Volume control. Of course, engaging the Limiter will help keep levels under control.
We've included a thick and warm Chorus effect for fattening and stereo-izing patches.

On switch- Enables Chorus mode.
Rate- Sets the internal low-frequency oscillator speed from 0.01 to 8 Hz.
Depth- Sets effect depth, i.e. the amount of modulation.
Mix- Sets the ratio of clean to effected sound. Chorusing is usually optimal at a 50/50 setting (a setting of 5), but we've added the Mix control by popular demand to allow more subtle (or warble-riffic) tones.
Mod Source- Selects mod via the internal LFO (which is independent of PS-3300's other "mod generators") or a mod source patched into the External Freq Control jack at the bottom.
External Rate Mod Intensity- Sets the amount of rate mod when a mod source is patched to the jack below.
External Rate Control jack- Patching a mod source in here allows any of PS-3300's CV sources to be used for chorus mod and overrides the internal LFO.

On switch- Enables and disables Echo effect.
Sync- Setting the Sync switch to the down position locks echo time to master tempo. When engaged, the Repeat Rate knob snaps to note values ranging from 1/64th note triplet to 8 beats. Enabling Sync locks to the tempo in the top toolbar when using the standalone version or the current project tempo when using the plug-in version in a DAW.
Repeat Rate and LED- Sets delay time, from 1 to 2000 ms. If the Sync switch is enabled, time settings snap to synchronized note values (see Sync switch above). The LED beside it blinky-blinks at the current repeat rate.
Intensity- Routes the output to the input to set the number of echo repeats. High Intensity settings lead to runaway feedback, so watch out for that!
Damping- Attenuates high frequencies as the knob amount is increased. Not only does this create more natural sounding decays, it also reduces the "stacking" effect that occurs with high feedback levels.
Mix- Balances the level of dry and wet signal. Setting the knob to center 5 position gives an equal 50/50 balance of wet and dry signal.
External Rate Mod Intensity- Sets the amount of Repeat Rate mod when a mod source is patched to the jack below.
External Rate Control jack- Patching a mod source in here allows any of PS-3300's CV sources to be used to mod Repeat Rate. This is useful for chorus-y modulated delay effects.

On switch- Enables the reverb effect.
Duration- Sets the overall length of reverb; the actual time varies for each type.
Damping- Attenuates high frequencies as the knob amount is increased for more natural reverb sounds.
MIx- Balances the level of dry and wet signal. A setting of 5 results in a 50/50 mix.
Reverb Type- Allows selection of spring, plate, or Cherry Audio's fabulously huge Galactic reverb algorithms.
External Mix Mod Intensity- Sets the amount of effects mix mod when a mod source is patched to the jack below.
External Rate Control jack- Patching a mod source in here allows any of PS-3300's CV sources to be used to mod the Mix control.