PS-20 includes a low-frequency oscillator (LFO) that generates sub-audio range signals intended for modulation purposes. This is referred to as the modulation generator, or "MG." (Incidentally, MG automobile owners refer to it as an "oil puddle generator.")
Modulation Generator Controls
Sync- When the Sync switch is in the up position, MG speed will lock to host tempo when using PS-20 within DAW software, or to the current tempo in the top menu bar when using the standalone version.
Mod Whl - This is a really handy, but potentially confusing feature, so don’t skim this section. If the slide switch is in the down/off position, the LFO is always “on.” Its effects will be immediately audible if one of the Mod Gen knobs is turned up. Clicking to the up/on position enables control of modulator depth with an external keyboard controller mod wheel. If the mod wheel is all the way down, mod depth is zero. This makes setting up a mod wheel to add vibrato or wah effects super easy. If it seems like the modulation generator isn't working, check if the Mod Whl switch is engaged (or just push up the mod wheel).
Frequency- The Frequency knob sets the speed of the LFO, from 0.10 to 20 Hz (with Sync switch off) or from 8 beats up to 1/64th note triplets (Sync switch on).
Wave Form- Yes, we intentionally spelled that funky. This continuously varies the mod waveform shape. The mod generator simultaneously outputs pulse waves of varying widths and saw/tri/ramp waves. By default, the hard-wired mod routings use the saw/tri/ramp (i.e. the Mod Gen knobs in the PWM Mod Gen, Frequency Modulation, Cutoff Frequency Modulation, and VCA Modulation sections), but the pulse wave can be used by routing it in the patch panel section (more on this in the Patch Panel section).
Note that the saw/tri/ramp waves are bipolar (i.e. they oscillate above and below 0 V), which is most desirable for oscillator vibrato applications, and the pulse waves are unipolar (they oscillate from 0 to 5V), which is best for trills or octaves, because the bottom note stays constant.
The LED beside it flashes at the current modulation frequency.
Modulation Generator Routing
The MG can be routed in a couple of ways. The easiest way is to turn up the aforementioned PWM Mod Gen, Frequency Modulation, Cutoff Frequency Modulation, and VCA Modulation Mod Gen knobs beneath the various sections. This routes the saw/tri/ramp wave; set the the knob to center position for the most commonly used triangle wave.
For increased flexibility, both wave CV outputs are available in the patch panel section and can be routed to numerous destinations. The CV outs can even be used simultaneously with the hard-wired panel Mod Gen knob routings.