MODE- Turns the delay effect on and off and sets the type and sync. The LED above the MODE button illuminates when the delay is enabled.
Off- Disables delay effect.
Digital- A pristine sounding digital delay.
Tape- Reproduces the effect of a vintage "space echo" tape delay.
Ping Pong- Echoes alternate between audio channels.
Sync To Host Tempo- Enabling this syncs the delay time to host tempo when using Chroma within DAW software, or to the current tempo in the top menu bar when using the standalone version. The RATE control will snap from 8 beats up to 1/64th note triplets.
TIME- Sets delay time, from 1 to 2000 ms. If the Sync button is enabled, time settings snap to synchronized note values.
FEEDBACK- Routes the output to the input for additional repeats. Be careful at high settings as this can result in runaway feedback madness.
SPREAD- Alters the left and right channel delay times creating a stereoizing effect. Greater amounts of spread increase the delay time differential and thus the stereo separation.
DAMP- Attenuates high-frequencies as the knob amount is increased. Not only does this create more natural sounding decays, it also reduces the "stacking" effect that occurs with high feedback levels.
MIX- Sets the ratio of clean to effected sound.