MODE- Turns the phaser on and off and sets the phasing type and sync. The LED above the MODE button illuminates when the phaser is enabled.
Off- Phaser effect is disabled.
2-Stage Phaser- Two stages of of allpass filters.
4-Stage Phaser- Four stages of of allpass filters.
6-Stage Phaser- Six stages of of allpass filters.
8-Stage Phaser- Eight stages of of allpass filters.
Sync To Host Tempo- Enabling this syncs the phaser's mod rate to host tempo when using Chroma within DAW software, or to the current tempo in the top menu bar when using the standalone version. The RATE control will snap from 8 beats up to 1/64th note triplets.
RATE- Sets the phaser's internal LFO speed from 0.01 to 8 Hz. The LED above flashes to indicate the current mod rate.
DEPTH- Sets the depth of phaser sweep.
RESONANCE- Increasing the amount of Res intensifies the phasing effect. This is sometimes referred to as "feedback" in other phaser units.
MIX- Not usually seen in phaser units, the Mix control allows the overall phase intensity to be dialed back when desired. For standard "phasers on stun!" behavior, leave Mix at 100.