SWEEP is Chroma terminology for a low-frequency oscillator, which is a sub-audio range modulation source commonly used for pitch modulation (i.e. vibrato or trills), timbral mod (pulse-width mod), filter cutoff mod (for wah-wah effects), or amp modulation (tremolo).

MODE/SYNC- Configures LFO reset and sync behavior.
Asynchronous Free Running- Each key played has its own free-running LFO and does not reset. The mod rate for each key varies slightly for more natural sounding mod cycles (hence the "asynchronous" terminology).
Independent Key Synced- Each key played has its own LFO that resets with each keystroke.
Single Free Running- A single LFO is shared for all notes and does not reset.
Single Key Synced- A single LFO is shared for all notes and resets any time a new note is played.
Sync To Host Tempo- This syncs the LFO to host tempo when using Chroma within DAW software, or to the current tempo in the top menu bar when using the standalone version. The RATE control will snap from 8 beats up to 1/64th note triplets.
RATE- Sets sweep speed , from 0.12 to 11.91 Hz (with MODE/SYNC Sync To Host Tempo disabled). The LED above the RATE control flashes at the current modulation rate.
RATE MOD- Allows the sweep rate to be modulated by the following mod sources:
None- No rate modulation applied.
Aftertouch (Mono+Poly)- Sweep rate accelerates when keys are pressed harder with aftertouch.
Keyboard- Sweep rate increases as higher notes are played on the keyboard.
Keyboard Inverted- Sweep rate decreases as higher notes are played on the keyboard.
Velocity- Playing harder increases the sweep rate.
Velocity Inverted- Playing harder decreases the sweep rate.
Envelope 2- Sweep rate increases as ENVELOPE 2 voltage increases.
Envelope 2 Inverted- Sweep rate decreases as ENVELOPE 2 voltage increases.
Controller 1- Sweep rate increases as CONTROLLER 1 left-hand control is increased (pushed up).
Controller 1 Inverted- Sweep rate decreases as CONTROLLER 1 left-hand control is increased (pushed up).
Controller 2- Sweep rate increases as CONTROLLER 2 left-hand control is increased (pushed up).
Controller 2 Inverted- Sweep rate decreases as CONTROLLER 2 left-hand control is increased (pushed up).
Mod Wheel- Sweep rate increases as the mod wheel left-hand control is increased (pushed up).
Mod Wheel Inverted- Sweep rate decreases as the mod wheel left-hand control is increased.
Pitch Bend- Sweep rate increases as the pitch bend wheel left-hand control is increased.
Pitch Bend Inverted- Sweep rate decreases as the pitch bend wheel left-hand control is increased.
WAVE SHAPE- Selects from the following wave shapes:
Sine | |
Cosine | |
Offset Sine | |
Half Sine | |
Triangle A | |
Triangle B | |
Sawtooth | |
Lag Square | |
Square | |
Pattern A | |
Pattern B | |
Pattern C | |
Pattern D | |
Pattern E | |
Pattern F | |
Random |
AMPLITUDE MOD- This mod destination determines the amount or level of SWEEP mod. Think of this as a "pre" modulation control, that is, controlling the mod level before mod destinations.
None- No rate modulation applied.
Aftertouch (Mono+Poly)- Sweep amount increases when keys are pressed harder with aftertouch.
Keyboard- Sweep amount increases as higher notes are played on the keyboard.
Keyboard Inverted- Sweep amount decreases as higher notes are played on the keyboard.
Velocity- Playing harder increases the sweep amount.
Velocity Inverted- Playing harder decreases the sweep amount.
Envelope 1- Sweep amount increases as ENVELOPE 1 voltage increases.
Envelope 2- Sweep amount increases as ENVELOPE 2 voltage increases.
Controller 1- Sweep amount increases as CONTROLLER 1 left-hand control is increased (pushed up).
Controller 2- Sweep amount increases as CONTROLLER 2 left-hand control is increased (pushed up).
Mod Wheel- Sweep amount increases as the mod wheel left-hand control is increased.
Pitch Bend- Sweep amount increases as the pitch bend wheel left-hand control is increased.
0.85, 1.3, 2.6, 5.1 Second Delay- Sweep amount increases gradually and stays at maximum according to the time selected. Just the thing for playing "True" by Spandau Ballet - originally recorded with a Chroma... we know this much is... TRUE!
In this example, we'll configure Chroma for vibrato (i.e. pitch mod) controlled via the mod wheel, but any other continuous hardware controller can be used.
If you were to simply set the PITCH section's MOD SELECT to SWEEP A, and raise its companion MOD DEPTH setting above 0, you'd hear constant pitch modulation. In other words, you'd have no way to control the mod amount in real time.
Setting the SWEEP section AMPLITUDE MOD to MOD WHEEL allows the mod wheel to control modulation depth. If the mod wheel is zeroed, then no modulation occurs; as the mod wheel is raised, more modulation occurs. The MOD DEPTH control in the target section can be used to limit the amount of mod depth.