Getting Started
Top Toolbar, Sound Presets, and Focus Control
Voice Architecture
Using the Chroma User Interface
Master Controls
Left-Hand Controls
MIDI Controllers Setup and The MIDI Tab
QWERTY Musical Typing Keyboard (MTK)
Appendix 1: Patch Configuration
Appendix 2: Importing Original Rhodes Chroma Sysex Patches
Appendix 3: Importing Original Rhodes Chroma Tape Data Backups

Glide slows down the transition of note pitches - think of the sliding pitches of a violin or a trombone (on second thought, no one should think of a trombone).
RATE- Sets the overall glide or portamento speed. with higher settings corresponding to longer times.
SHAPE- Defines glide behavior as follows:
Portamento- Pitch changes smoothly between notes.
Glissando- Pitch changes in 1/2 step increments, as if playing chromatically up or down the keyboard.
Aux Pedal Enables Glide- When toggled, glide will only be on when the Aux Pedal is pressed. For more info on setting up the AUX PEDAL button and/or pedal, please see the Left-Hand Controls/Aux Pedal Button section. GLIDE RATE must be set to a non-zero level.